Monday, July 21, 2014

Gil Kane Cover of the Month: Supernatural Thrillers #6

Here's a Gil Kane Marvel cover from the 70s that you might not have seen. Breaking up a string of Living Mummy covers was this issue, featuring The Headless Horsemen. I see this one far less often than I see other issues from this series and I am not sure why. It's a terrific cover featuring an incredible sense of design and motion. I like Ernie Chan's inks here, as he adds some nice texture, especially to the skull. The skeletal body contrasts beautifully with the cloak and I really like the full moon in the background. I'm not sure that I love the greenish hue on the horse, but it is rather unique. The eyes and snorting nostrils are what seal the deal for me. This is a lesser known, but tremendous Kane cover.


Keir said...

Reminiscent of Phidias's flared nostrils from the Elgin marbles...

BenoƮt Leblanc said...

I love those Kane covers, but unfortunately the inside art was often not as cool. It's the only drawback I see to have the man do most of Marvel's covers during those years.