Friday, January 11, 2008

Memoirs of a Bronze Age Baby: Star Wars #17

I turned 5 years old in 1977, so to say that I grew up a Star Wars nut would be a gross understatement. I had Star Wars figures, colouring books, posters, blankets etc… When it came to Star Wars comic books, however, I somehow only got my mitts on them from time to time. Of course, like many kids of that era, I started off with the Treasury Size Editions. I still have the tattered remnants of my Vols.1 and 2 – complete with my attempt to write my name on the back cover of #1. I also have the double sized version, compiling both issues.

My first floppy book, however, was issue #17 and what a strange way to start. Although we start of aboard the Millennium Falcon, we are transported back to Tatooine via Luke’s daydream. We learn a great about Luke’s pre-Episode IV life and this is almost like a prequel minus Jar Jar Binks. The great Dave Cockrum cover really stands out, as it harkens back to a time when I actually thought Luke Skywalker was cool. Inside, the Goodwin/Claremont story is strong, and fits nicely into the Star Wars saga. Herb Trimpe is obviously having some fun – who wouldn’t? We’ve got a return (or is that pre-turn?) of the Sandpeople. I had a real fascination with them as a child, so they are always an added bonus. I only hope that my kids are able to be totally consumed by something the way Star Wars consumed me. This book was a big part of that, but my copy has been lost somewhere along the way. I always casually keep my eye out for it, but it never pops up. I recently bid on an original art page from the issue, but lost by a ton. Apparently some other have fond memories of the Trimpe/Milgrom work on this issue.

1 comment:


Dave Cockrum's personal comics collection is being sold by his widow. This includes his X-Men and Star Wars file copies. For more information visit